CCC rocked by legitimacy struggle

After the recent fueled turn of events which saw former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa leave the party questions have been raised on the validity of the party that housed majority of opposition hope.

By Kumbirai Mutengo

Feb 4, 2024

On the 25th of January, 2024 Advocate Nelson Chamisa disbanded from Citizen Coalition for Change, a party that was on its way to celebrate a 3rd year anniversary. Nelson Chamisa X (formely Twitter), viewed by Today News confirmed his exit.

The post read, ‘Fellow citizens, this is to officially and under my hand, inform you, that I no longer have anything to do with CCC. My focus remains fully on Zimbabwe, asserting your victory, honoring the citizens mandate and God’s calling to provide leadership,’ said Chamisa

"Let’s all work together for total freedom, true change and wholistic transformation for our beloved country. Giving up or giving in is not an option. Nothing comes without tenacity and resilience," added Chamisa.

Fadzayi Mahere, who has stood in the thick and thin of the yellow wing believes there is no legitimacy with CCC without Nelson Chamisa.

Mahere, who was Mt Pleasant running Member of Parliament (MP) resigned from Parliament this past Tuesday day's before by elections.

The exit from parliament has brought disdain within the opposition party with majority of party members doubting its legitimacy.

In the same vein Takudzwa Ngadziore, CCC Harare Youth Quota Representative in Parliament echoed Mahere’s sentiments admitting that without Chamisa CCC would become a smaller version of the ruling ZANU PF party.

"We are not born in parliament. Being there is only necessitated by the desire to serve. A CCC without Nelson Chamisa is a ZANU PF lite. The masses are waiting for our leadership. freedom or death, the way to go! A New Great Zimbabwe is possible!

Sengezo Tshabangu has so far taken over as the party as interim secretary general.

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